Direct booking benefits
Your room in Alpbach
We guarantee you the best price for your room in Alpbach when you book directly through our website.

Book via our website
and secure advantages!
There are numerous internet portals, travel agencies and other intermediaries through which you can book an unforgettable Alpbachtal holiday. But what many people don’t realise: As a guest, it is always worth booking your holiday directly through the hotel, as this gives you a number of advantages. We have summarised exactly what these advantages are in this blog. Our friendly reception staff will be happy to advise you on your holiday in advance, because nobody knows our hotel and the beautiful Alpbachtal valley better than our local experts.
We are always happy to be in direct contact with our guests.
Guests book their Alpbach room directly with us:
by telephone on +43 5336 5237
by e-mail hotel@alpbacherhof.at
The advantages at a glance